miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019

Modelo 1ª conjugación verbal.

¡Buenos días a tod@s!

Aquí os dejo el siguiente enlace:

Modelo de conjugación verbal

En él encontrareis el modelo de conjugación verbal que os he entregado en clase. De este modo, si alguna vez, por esas cosas que pasan, se os olvida en clase (cosa que no creo), lo podréis tener siempre a vuestra disposición e, incluso, descargarlo desde casa si lo necesitaseis.

Un saludo.

El verbo.

¡Buenos días chic@s!

          Aquí os dejo un nuevo poster con todo lo que tenemos que aprender, este año, sobre el verbo. Espero que os sirva para estudiar y, que al tenerlo todo junto, os sea de gran ayuda para no perderos entre los dos temas en los que viene divido.

Un saludo.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2019

Spain rivers.

Hi kids!!!

Here it comes a new post. In it, you will find a picture about the watersheds and the rivers in Spain.

You don´t have to learn all the rivers. You just need to know the name of the most important rivers in each watershed.
You neither need to know the name of the tributaries.

See you in my next post.

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2019

Water Cycle.

Hi kids!!!

Here it comes a new post. In this you will find a drawing about Water Cycle.

I´m pretty sure this poster will get that you understand the Water Cycle in the catch of an eye.

See you in my next post.

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019

Prepositions of Place.

Hi kids!!!

Here is a new post. In this, you will find a poster in which is shown the prepositions of place and a drawing with each preposition. This drawing will be very useful to understand the meaning of the prepositions.

I hope this poster will be very interesting for all of you.
Best wishes and see you in my next post.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

Present Perfect Tense.

Hallo again kids!!!

Here, in this new post, you will find a poster about one of the most weird verb tense.
This tense is so strange because of two facts: number one is, although the name is present perfect, it trully is a verb in past. And the second one is that, this verb referes now (in the present) to actions that you made in past. So weird, as I told you.

So, with this poster, I think you will have a complete view about how present perfec is formed and when you have to use it.

See you in the next post.

Parts of a volcano.

Hi kids!!! Unbelievable!!!   The end is here!!! This is the Social Sciences latest post. In it, you will discover what are the parts of ...